Trust Pilot Search Engine Scraper And Email Extractor By Creative Bear Tech

In today's world, direct marketers frequently talk about getting the right message to the right person at the right time using the appropriate channel. The fact is, very few marketers are really living up to this ideal. But it is possible. Your marketing database provides the ideal framework to make this vision a reality, using one, or a blend, of several different approaches.

Are you using your marketing database to manage and track your promotion history? Promotion history impacts many areas of your marketing: list fatigue, previous list inclusion and exclusion, suppressions, ROI reporting, responder profiling, testing, multi-channel marketing, cadence optimization, and managing chronic non-responders.

Free Email Extractor Software Download

If you want to optimize your database marketing efforts, you must be serious about tracking and using your promotion history. Ultimately, effective promotion history management will result in increased response rates, improved ROI, and reduction of wasted dollars on non-performing campaigns. Your promotion history is important and is a valuable data asset. It plays a key role in your database marketing efforts and can improve your marketing performance in a variety of ways if properly applied.

If you do not know who, how often, and which channel(s) you are using to market to your customers, it is nearly inevitable that you will over-market to them. And this will likely impact your best customers. There are consequences to this fatigue. Your customers may tune you out, and if you saturate them with overwhelming, non-relevant communication, they may globally opt-out from all of your marketing communications. In the worst of cases, they may even take to social media saying how much they used to like your company and products, but they now complain for the world to see.

This is an easy fate to avoid. Use your marketing database to track each and every marketing touch. When building a campaign, use your touch history to suppress customers who may be at risk of over-marketing. Effective management of promotion and touch history will ensure happier, more loyal customers and help you strengthen relationships with your best customers.

Email Extractor

Precisely select your campaign recipients. Choose from a wide range of selects, including selects based on various RFM parameters, purchasing trends, demographic & lifestyle selects, or predictive model segments. Your marketing database provides you the framework to execute each of these or combinations of these to properly refine your selects.

You probably have ideas about different offers, creative, or content. You can use your marketing database to build segments for each of these, with corresponding control groups, to try out and test your ideas. This tool provides the framework to ponder, test, execute, measure, and improve.

Extract Email Addresses from Websites

Often, marketers capture information from customers on communication channel preferences or product offer preferences, only to find there is no easy way to manage this information and act on it. Use your marketing database to capture, maintain, and act on this valuable information. Your customers are telling you what they want, how they want it, and when they want it. Use this tool to personalize and meet their needs.

Perhaps you have a true and tried list pull that you want to use repeatedly. The applications for this type of list output are virtually unlimited. Maybe you want to send your customers a birthday email, a text message to brand new customers, or an automatic upsell offer for customers purchasing a specific product or series of products. Whatever the case, use your marketing database to automatically, easily, and efficiently output these lists in an idta Scraping Services?

email extractor from websiteEmail Address Extractor Online

Data scrape is the process of extracting data from web by using software program from proven website only. Extracted data any one can use for any purposes as per the desires in various industries as the web having every important data of the world. We provide best of the web data extracting software. We have the expertise and one of kind knowledge in web data extraction, image scrapping, screen scrapping, email extract services, data mining, web grabbing.

Who can use Data Scraping Services?

Data scraping and extraction services can be used by any organization, company, or any firm who would like to have a data from particular industry, data of targeted customer, particular company, or anything which is available on net like data of email id, website name, search term or anything which is available on web. Most of time a marketing company like to use data scraping and data extraction services to do marketing for a particular product in certain industry and to reach the targeted customer for example if X company like to contact a restaurant of California city, so our software can extract the data of restaurant of California city and a marketing company can use this data to market their restaurant kind of product. MLM and Network marketing company also use data extraction and data scrapping services to to find a new customer by extracting data of certain prospective customer and can contact customer by telephone, sending a postcard, email marketing, and this way they build their huge network and build large group for their own product and company.

We helped many companies to find particular data as per their need for example.

Web Data Extraction

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human end-users and not for ease of automated use. Because of this, tool kits that scrape web content were created. A web scraper is an API to extract data from a web site. We help you to create a kind of API which helps you to scrape data as per your need. We provide quality and affordable web Data Extraction application

Data Collection

Normally, data transfer between programs is accomplished using info structures suited for automated processing by computers, not people. Such interchange formats and protocols are typically rigidly structured, well-documented, easily parsed, and keep ambiguity to a minimum. Very often, these transmissions are not human-readable at all. That's why the key element that distinguishes data scraping from regular parsing is that the output being scraped was intended for display to an end-user.

email extractor extension

Email Extractor

A tool which helps you to extract the email ids from any reliable sources automatically that is called a email extractor. It basically services the function of collecting business contacts from various web pages, HTML files, text files or any other format without duplicates email ids.

Screen scrapping

Screen scraping referred to the practice of reading text information from a computer display terminal's screen and collecting visual data from a source, instead of parsing data as in web scraping.

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services is the process of extracting patterns from information. Datamining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform the data into information. Any format including MS excels, CSV, HTML and many such formats according to your requirements.

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Web spider

A Web spider is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data.

Web Grabber

Web grabber is just a other name of the data scraping or data extraction.

Web Bot

Web Bot is software program that is claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the Internet. Web bot software is the best program to pull out articles, blog, relevant website content and many such website related data We have worked with many clients for data extracting, data scrapping and data mining they are really happy with our services we provide very quality services and make your work data work very easy and automatic.

Web scraping, also known as web/internet harvesting involves the use of a computer program which is able to extract data from another program's display output. The main difference between standard parsing and web scraping is that in it, the output being scraped is meant for display to its human viewers instead of simply input to another program.

Therefore, it isn't generally document or structured for practical parsing. Generally web scraping will require that binary data be ignored - this usually means multimedia data or images - and then formatting the pieces that will confuse the desired goal - the text data. This means that in actually, optical character recognition software is a form of visual web scraper.

Usually a transfer of data occurring between two programs would utilize data structures designed to be processed automatically by computers, saving people from having to do this tedious job themselves. This usually involves formats and protocols with rigid structures that are therefore easy to parse, well documented, compact, and function to minimize duplication and ambiguity. In fact, they are so "computer-based" that they are generally not even readable by humans.

If human readability is desired, then the only automated way to accomplish this kind of a data transfer is by way of web scraping. At first, this was practiced in order to read the text data from the display screen of a computer. It was usually accomplished by reading the memory of the terminal via its auxiliary port, or through a connection between one computer's output port and another computer's input port.

It has therefore become a kind of way to parse the HTML text of web pages. The web scraping program is designed to process the text data that is of interest to the human reader, while identifying and removing any unwanted data, images, and formatting for the web design.

Though web scraping is often done for ethical reasons, it is frequently performed in order to swipe the data of "value" from another person or organization's website in order to apply it to someone else's - or to sabotage the original text altogether. Many efforts are now being put into place by webmasters in order to prevent this form of theft and vandalism.

I've gotten a few emails recently asking me about scraper sites and how to beat them. I'm not sure anything is 100% effective, but you can probably use them to your advantage (somewhat). If you're unsure about what scraper sites are:

A scraper site is a website that pulls all of its information from other websites using web scraping. In essence, no part of a scraper site is original. A search engine is not an example of a scraper site. Sites such as Yahoo and Google gather content from other websites and index it so you can search the index for keywords. Search engines then display snippets of the original site content which they have scraped in response to your search.

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In the last few years, and due to the advent of the Google AdSense web advertising program, scraper sites have proliferated at an amazing rate for spamming search engines. Open content, Wikipedia, are a common source of material for scraper sites.

from the main article at

Now it should be noted, that having a vast array of scraper sites that host your content may lower your rankings in Google, as you are sometimes perceived as spam. So I recommend doing everything you can to prevent that from happening. You won't be able to stop every one, but you'll be able to benefit from the ones you don't.

facebook email extractor

Things you can do:

Include links to other posts on your site in your posts.

Include your blog name and a link to your blog on your site.

Manually whitelist the good spiders (google,msn,yahoo etc).

Manually blacklist the bad ones (scrapers).

Automatically blog all at once page requests.

Automatically block visitors that disobey robots.txt.

Use a spider trap: you have to be able to block access to your site by an IP address...this is done through .htaccess (I do hope you're using a linux server..) Create a new page, that will log the ip address of anyone who visits it. (don't setup banning yet, if you see where this is going..). Then setup your robots.txt with a "nofollow" to that link. Next you much place the link in one of your pages, but hidden, where a normal user will not click it. Use a table set to display:none or something. Now, wait a few days, as the good spiders (google etc.) have a cache of your old robots.txt and could accidentally ban themselves. Wait until they have the new one to do the autobanning. Track this progress on the page that collects IP addresses. When you feel good, (and have added all the major search spiders to your whitelist for extra protection), change that page to log, and autoban each ip that views it, and redirect them to a dead end page. That should take care of quite a few of them.

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If your company does not have a strategy for how it will get that message to a potential buyer, you will miss out on sales. You must increase awareness of your company, or product, in the marketplace.

The best marketing strategies employ varying media to bring your message to that prospective customer. You can enhance the impact of your marketing by using multiple marketing channels. The way to increase the likelihood that someone will buy is if they see your name in the newspaper, and pick up a brochure, and hear you on the radio and television, and visit your web site, and attend a seminar, etc. The more channels you use, the greater impact you will have.

One possible avenue for advertising is promotional products. These are small items which can be imprinted with your company name, address, telephone, web site, logo, email, slogan, etc. and are then given away. While the individual cost of these items may seem high, their message is less transient than some marketing media. For example, a person who commutes throughout the winter would see your name every day if it were printed on a windshield ice scraper, or a snow brush. Your name will be out there in the public view for as long as the product lasts, perhaps being passed along to several users.

Branded gifts tell people that your company is willing to say "thank you." Studies prove that clients fail to return because they sense vendor indifference. But if you were to give someone a windshield ice scraper just for buying $10 worth of car care products you might just gain a loyal customer.

Promotional products can be used to support a sales presentation. Turn a cold call into a warm one. If you give a shopper at a car showroom a branded snow brush just for taking a test drive from your sales lot, every time they use that brush they will remember that you were the generous salesman. With your contact information literally in their hand every morning, this might just bring them back to make the sale.

Timing is also important. To use the examples above, giving out branded windshield ice scrapers in April isn't likely to be perceived as practical. A snow brush might be tossed in the garage and forgotten. However, in November the situation would be completely different. You might be remembered as the company that saved them the bother of buying a new ice scraper.

Promotional items can be used to increase your interaction with prospects. For example, they could be given out as rewards for completing a survey. Think of the impact of the first impression on a potential customer where your company is the one that has given them something useful.

Used with other media, promotional gifts usually increase response rates and improve the overall effectiveness of your company's other marketing channels.

Promotional products can be purchased for as little as pennies. And for those instances where you want to particularly recognize or reward customers you can spend many dollars. Using our examples, imprinted windshield ice scrapers can be had for as little as 50 cents each, and imprinted snow brushes cost up to about $10. Any number of companies specialize in branding small items which can be used as part of your promotional strategy.

Website Scraper

Remember that your objective is to make sure that your potential audience knows you exist, and to make it simple for them to find you.

What is an RSS scraper and how can it benefit you as a marketer? Let us start by defining an RSS feed. RSS is an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication". An RSS feed is a group of formats for web feeds that are use to publish updates on websites that change frequently. This includes (but is not limited to,) blogs, podcasts, and headline news sites. The purpose of an RSS feed is that users can subscribe to the feed and receive notification when the ever changing content on that particular website is updated.

So how does an RSS feed and an RSS scraper help internet marketers? Besides giving readers an opportunity to be notified of changes to our blog without us manually sending out an e-mail, it also helps us in the search engines. You may already know that search engines love fresh and frequently updated content. But if you don't have your own blog or podcast, it is hard to compete with those who do, or to maintain a high rank within the search engines.

If your website content does not change frequently, then neither will your RSS feed. This is where an RSS scraper can become very useful. An RSS scraper can generate an RSS feed from your website if it doesn't already have one. But it can also scrape the RSS feed from a frequently update site and place it onto your website as well. As the RSS feed from the site you scraped changes, your website is updated. This gives your site a fresh appearance in the search engines which results in higher listings on the search engine results page.

Google Scraper

And getting an RSS feed for your website using an RSS scraper allows you to place that feed onto other sites as well as allowing readers to receive updates from your sites, thus giving you more traffic and exposure. Using an RSS scraper can greatly benefit you as an internet marketer and bring in more traffic and sales in the long run than you could have ever done without it.

How to get continuous stream of data from these websites without getting stopped? Scraping logic depends upon the HTML sent out by the web server on page requests, if anything changes in the output, its most likely going to break your scraper setup.

If you are running a website which depends upon getting continuous updated data from some websites, it can be dangerous to reply on just a software.

Some of the challenges you should think:

1. Web masters keep changing their websites to be more user friendly and look better, in turn it breaks the delicate scraper data extraction logic.

2. IP address block: If you continuously keep scraping from a website from your office, your IP is going to get blocked by the "security guards" one day.

3. Websites are increasingly using better ways to send data, Ajax, client side web service calls etc. Making it increasingly harder to scrap data off from these websites. Unless you are an expert in programing, you will not be able to get the data out.

4. Think of a situation, where your newly setup website has started flourishing and suddenly the dream data feed that you used to get stops. In today's society of abundant resources, your users will switch to a service which is still serving them fresh data.

Getting over these challenges

Let experts help you, people who have been in this business for a long time and have been serving clients day in and out. They run their own servers which are there just to do one job, extract data. IP blocking is no issue for them as they can switch servers in minutes and get the scraping exercise back on track. Try this service and you will see what I mean here.

The web is rapidly becoming a land fill site of regurgitated garbage. Strong words indeed but they are true. It does not take much searching to find literally thousands of websites that exist exclusively to serve the greedy interests of their webmasters and provide nothing of value for their visitors. The reason for the existence of this type of site is to fool search engines into increasing rankings of other sites linked to keyword anchor text, and to fool their visitors into clicking on pay-per-click ads.

Typical of the kinds of sites that produce this annoying clutter are scraper sites. These use software to copy content from other sites to display it as if it were their own. Quite often precisely the same copy can be found on site after site, all scraped from each other or the original source. This is a total time waster for surfers searching for specific information or products and leaves then with a very negative experience.

Bing Scraper

Sometimes these types of site produce auto-generated content that is complete nonsense. Naturally they are keyword rich, but any visitor to such a site will feel totally ripped off and will get out as quickly as possible.

Cookie-cutter sites clutter the web with countless identical affiliate marketing websites. Cookie-cutter refers to the act of churning out thousands of identical items that provide nothing original apart from perhaps a novel logo. This kind of site is often sold to hapless victims oYahoo Scraper

Doorway pages are another source of internet garbage. These are created exclusively to fool search engines. They are click through pages that are often heavily loaded with keywords in order to seduce the surfer to enter them from search engine results, and to then redirect the surfer to the webmaster's intended target. Sometimes these use JavaScript redirection script or META refresh tags to redirect the surfer automatically, and sometimes they rely on the surfer clicking on a link.

All these techniques have been very popular tools with a certain kind of Search Engine Optimiser or SEO. You can't blame the SEOs for making a living, but over recent times search engines, especially Google, have developed new algorithms that can identify these sites and once they are recognised they are penalised severely or even excluded from search engine rankings. Perhaps as these algorithms increase in intelligence much of this junk will be eliminated from the web, though it is likely that, like space junk, there is too much of it to do anything about.

So what should you do to attract more visitors to your site? The truth of the matter is that search engine robots appreciate exactly the same kind of things as human beings. They look for original content that informs and engages the surfer and increases the surfer's experience in a positive manner. Google and other search engines recommend that you should use original web articles on your website. You can write them yourself or you can commission original web article writers to do them for you. This will increase your search engine rankings, retain your visitors and make the web a better place.

I want to share with you one of my favorite techniques for an absolute avalanche of web almost any site, service or offer you want to promote.

And I'm also going to be totally honest with you: there are actually a whole BOATLOAD of beautiful "tricks" you can use these days to generate massive interest in your site, service or even affiliate offer, and with social networks only growing larger and more popular week over's actually getting easier to get as many visitors as you want using all sorts of sweet strategies.

But the BEST way to get valuable visitors that are in "buying" mode is still blogs. People read blogs differently than they do sales letters. Or ecommerce offers. Or even squeeze pages. The blogs we use in my business convert at rates that are exponentially higher the same offers elsewhere, and I expect that to do nothing but continue.

The REAL way to get more blog traffic?

Ask Scraper

Automation. You've GOT to learn to automate a system of "satellite sites" and link building, especially if you are just getting started. And I'm NOT talking about creating a whole bunch of "splogs" using RSS scrapers. I'm talking about creating blogs that auto-populate with data feeds, niche news stories, product catalogs, articles and otherwise. You can literally, in an an entire network of "WHITE HAT" (or Google "friendly") sites in a niche, all "supporting" your main blog or website with "link love", that look great, add value and convert like crazy to boot!

The beauty of blogging is the TOOLS, and technologies that are easily available to make this happen...turning ANYONE from a newbie or novice to an online entrepreneur "extraordinaire" almost overnight!

Probably the most common technique used traditionally to extract data from web pages this is to cook up some regular expressions that match the pieces you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Our screen-scraper software actually started out as an application written in Perl for this very reason. In addition to regular expressions, you might also use some code written in something like Java or Active Server Pages to parse out larger chunks of text. Using raw regular expressions to pull out the data can be a little intimidating to the uninitiated, and can get a bit messy when a script contains a lot of them. At the same time, if you're already familiar with regular expressions, and your scraping project is relatively small, they can be a great solution.

Ecosia Scraper

Other techniques for getting the data out can get very sophisticated as algorithms that make use of artificial intelligence and such are applied to the page. Some programs will actually analyze the semantic content of an HTML page, then intelligently pull out the pieces that are of interest. Still other approaches deal with developing "ontologies", or hierarchical vocabularies intended to represent the content domain.

There are a number of companies (including our own) that offer commercial applications specifically intended to do screen-scraping. The applications vary quite a bit, but for medium to large-sized projects they're often a good solution. Each one will have its own learning curve, so you should plan on taking time to learn the ins and outs of a new application. Especially if you plan on doing a fair amount of screen-scraping it's probably a good idea to at least shop around for a screen-scraping application, as it will likely save you time and money in the long run.

So what's the best approach to data extraction? It really depends on what your needs are, and what resources you have at your disposal. Here are some of the pros and cons of the various approaches, as well as suggestions on when you might use each one:

Raw regular expressions and code


- If you're already familiar with regular expressions and at least one programming language, this can be a quick solution.

- Regular expressions allow for a fair amount of "fuzziness" in the matching such that minor changes to the content won't break them.

- You likely don't need to learn any new languages or tools (again, assuming you're already familiar with regular expressions and a programming language).

- Regular expressions are supported in almost all modern programming languages. Heck, even VBScript has a regular expression engine. It's also nice because the various regular expression implementations don't vary too significantly in their syntax.

AOL Scraper


- They can be complex for those that don't have a lot of experience with them. Learning regular expressions isn't like going from Perl to Java. It's more like going from Perl to XSLT, where you have to wrap your mind around a completely different way of viewing the problem.

- They're often confusing to analyze. Take a look through some of the regular expressions people have created to match something as simple as an email address and you'll see what I mean.

- If the content you're trying to match changes (e.g., they change the web page by adding a new "font" tag) you'll likely need to update your regular expressions to account for the change.

- The data discovery portion of the process (traversing various web pages to get to the page containing the data you want) will still need to be handled, and can get fairly complex if you need to deal with cookies and such.

When to use this approach: You'll most likely use straight regular expressions in screen-scraping when you have a small job you want to get done quickly. Especially if you already know regular expressions, there's no sense in getting into other tools if all you need to do is pull some news headlines off of a site.

Ontologies and artificial intelligence


- You create it once and it can more or less extract the data from any page within the content domain you're targeting.

- The data model is generally built in. For example, if you're extracting data about cars from web sites the extraction engine already knows what the make, model, and price are, so it can easily map them to existing data structures (e.g., insert the data into the correct locations in your database).

- There is relatively little long-term maintenance required. As web sites change you likely will need to do very little to your extraction engine in order to account for the changes.


- It's relatively complex to create and work with such an engine. The level of expertise required to even understand an extraction engine that uses artificial intelligence and ontologies is much higher than what is required to deal with regular expressions.

- These types of engines are expensive to build. There are commercial offerings that will give you the basis for doing this type of data extraction, but you still need to configure them to work with the specific content domain you're targeting.

So Scraper

- You still have to deal with the data discovery portion of the process, which may not fit as well with this approach (meaning you may have to create an entirely separate engine to handle data discovery). Data discovery is the process of crawling web sites such that you arrive at the pages where you want to extract data.

When to use this approach: Typically you'll only get into ontologies and artificial intelligence when you're planning on extracting information from a very large number of sources. It also makes sense to do this when the data you're trying to extract is in a very unstructured format (e.g., newspaper classified ads). In cases where the data is very structured (meaning there are clear labels identifying the various data fields), it may make more sense to go with regular expressions or a screen-scraping application.

Screen-scraping software


- Abstracts most of the complicated stuff away. You can do some pretty sophisticated things in most screen-scraping applications without knowing anything about regular expressions, HTTP, or cookies.

- Dramatically reduces the amount of time required to set up a site to be scraped. Once you learn a particular screen-scraping application the amount of time it requires to scrape sites vs. other methods is significantly lowered.

- Support from a commercial company. If you run into trouble while using a commercial screen-scraping application, chances are there are support forums and help lines where you can get assistance.

DuckDuckGo! Scraper

When to use this approach: Screen-scraping applications vary widely in their ease-of-use, price, and suitability to tackle a broad range of scenarios. Chances are, though, that if you don't mind paying a bit, you can save yourself a significant amount of time by using one. If you're doing a quick scrape of a single page you can use just about any language with regular expressions. If you want to extract data from hundreds of web sites that are all formatted differently you're probably better off investing in a complex system that uses ontologies and/or artificial intelligence. For just about everything else, though, you may want to consider investing in an application specifically designed for screen-scraping.

As an aside, I thought I should also mention a recent project we've been involved with that has actually required a hybrid approach of two of the aforementioned methods. We're currently working on a project that deals with extracting newspaper classified ads. The data in classifieds is about as unstructured as you can get. For example, in a real estate ad the term "number of bedrooms" can be written about 25 different ways. The data extraction portion of the process is one that lends itself well to an ontologies-based approach, which is what we've done. However, we still had to handle the data discovery portion. We decided to use screen-scraper for that, and it's handling it just great. The basic process is that screen-scraper traverses the various pages of the site, pulling out raw chunks of data that constitute the classified ads. These ads then get passed to code we've written that uses ontologies in order to extract out the individual pieces we're after. Once the data has been extracted we then insert it into a database.

Trust Pilot Scraper



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